We wish you a Happy Family Day! Our building hours for Monday, February 17 are 8:00am to 4:00pm. Note: The Steven Blitz Aquatics Centre will close at 3:30pm.

Aqua Fitness

Calgary Aqua Fitness Classes

Experience a fitness class in the pool! Members can enjoy 15 free aqua fitness sessions weekly, plus two additional registered classes. Non-members are welcome to join with a drop-in fee.

Our 50-minutes classes are led by a team of highly-qualified instructors. The components of all classes include: a warm up, cardiovascular conditioning, muscle and core strengthening, and stretching. Designed to accommodate various fitness levels and abilities, these classes provide an engaging and supportive workout for adults and seniors.

Water has a thousand times more resistance to that of air so it can provide an awesome workout. It is suitable for everyone as all movements use the body’s own resistance. Join us in the pool!



Darrian Doucet
Darrian Doucet

Darrian Doucet

Membership Services and Aquatics Manager

(403) 537-8597

Darrian was born and raised in Calgary. He has worked in the aquatics industry for just under a decade, and with the Paperny Family JCC for nearly as long. Aiming…

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Class Descriptions

Aqua Healing – Registered Class
Ages 18+ All you need is a bathing suit! This class is designed to help with pre- and post- operative pain, arthritis, and any other chronic condition. The focus is on balance, core, and range of motion. With increased flexibility comes increased ability to participate more in the life activities you want to do. Buoyancy decreases stress and weight, while allowing more safe movement in a warm pool. Conducted in the shallower water with no bouncing; this class is safe and fun for anyone.  Register for this class.

Aqua Variety
A challenging class offering a variety of formats and styles from week to week. This class will rotate from equipment use classes to interval training, tether and a taste of aqua healing.

As You Choose
Participants are free to choose to work out in the deep water wearing a flotation belt or in the shallow water with their feet on the floor. With careful attention and preparation, the instructor is able to teach to all participants.

Deep Water Workout
Wearing a floatation belt, you submerge yourself in the deep end of a pool for a deep water workout! While your deep water aerobics class has a low impact on your joints, it has an enormous impact on your cardiovascular system with the help of the resistance in the water. Class formats may vary between Tabata, circuit, boot camp or interval.

Shallow Water Workout
Activate your aqua urge for exercise! This class is held in the pool’s shallow end in chest-deep water so your feet are always touching the floor. Shallow water workouts improve agility, coordination, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. Equipment may be used to develop strength and balance.

Tether Deep Water Workout
Aquafit enthusiasts will benefit from this fun cardiovascular workout in the deep water! There is a strong focus on core stability while performing deep water moves which will result in increased intensity. Participants will find themselves tethered to a lane rope with a bungee cord attached to a belt Great for beginner to advanced!


Darrian Doucet

Darrian Doucet

Membership Services and Aquatics Manager