Active Living Program FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Active Living Program FAQ


How Will My Monthly Active Living Membership Fees Work?

The Active Living Membership fee is charged monthly on the first of the month. This will be done automatically and you will need to give us a credit card number or your bank information for direct debit. If you join partway through the month we will prorate your fee.

Is There a Drop-in Option for the Program?

If you know someone who would like to try our Active Living program, have them contact the Active Living Coordinator for pre-screening. This individual can try a class at no charge. If you are a current participant, the drop-in rate is $9 per class.

How Do I Get Access to the JCC?

Your photo will be taken and you will receive a JCC Active Living Membership card. Please carry this with you at all times to gain access by scanning at the JCC gates.

Is there a maximum number of classes I can take each week?

Please attend as many classes as you like.

How do I access the virtual classes on Zoom?

We will email links to our Active Living and Zoom membership holders monthly.