We wish you a Happy Family Day! Our building hours for Monday, February 17 are 8:00am to 4:00pm. Note: The Steven Blitz Aquatics Centre will close at 3:30pm.


Teacher Appreciation Week

Calgary JCC 1607 90 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, Canada

Thank you for all that you do!d Did you know that teachers get 15% off on a JCC membership? Plus from May 6 to 10, come try the JCC for […]

Yom HaZikaron – Israel’s Remembrance Day

Calgary JCC 1607 90 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, Canada

Join us at Temple B'nai Tikvah for a heartfelt ceremony to commemorate and memorialize Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers who have perished in the line of duty, and victims of […]

October 7: Through the Lens of Calgarian

Calgary JCC 1607 90 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, Canada

Spurred into action by the events of October 7, Orianne Aviv created a photographic exposé highlighting the effects on local Jewish students, allies, and community members. Join Orianne for Opening […]

Golden Age Luncheon – May 2024

Calgary JCC 1607 90 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, Canada

A lovely and fun way to spend a Tuesday afternoon with friends in a warm and friendly atmosphere at the JCC. Enjoy a home-cooked meal and wonderful entertainment by Romel […]

Yom HaAtzmaut

Calgary JCC 1607 90 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, Canada

Let's celebrate Israel's 76th birthday on Yom HaAtzmaut! Join us at the Paperny Family JCC – immerse yourself in an exciting atmosphere for all ages, filled with music, snacks, and […]